7 Inexpensive Ways to Spruce Up Your Bedroom

Ray Monczka Painting, Your Metro Detroit Painter.

For some of us, being home much more than usual these days has perhaps made something more apparent: Our interiors could stand some sprucing up. Let’s focus on the bedroom right now. After plopping down on the bed and taking a look around, we may find ourselves thinking, Man, it sure would be nice if an HGTV makeover were in the budget.

But you don’t need deep pockets— or even an interior designer— to drastically upgrade the spot where you lay your head each night.

Now, not to state the obvious, here, but giving your bedroom a fresh coat of paint will provide the biggest impact. And, whether your style is clean and white, tranquil and neutral, bold and bright, or contemporary and dark, you know Ray Monczka Painting has got your back. (Sorry, shameless plug.)

But painting isn’t the only route.

With the tips below— and a little creativity— you can transform your bedroom from mere space to sanctuary— and barely touch your bank account:

1. Start at the Bottom

Whether you have wall – to – wall carpet or hardwood floors, layering an accent rug will add extra softness and color. And the bigger, the better. But even a smaller 4 – foot by 6 – foot or a 5 – foot by 8 – foot area rug will create a cozy effect in the bedroom because it will fit under the lower two – thirds of a double bed.

2. Make Over Your Bed

Now, this one is obvious: Your bed is the focal point of your bedroom. So, cover it with a beautiful comforter— and then layer it with coordinating pillows— and you’ll have a designer – looking bed. You can find the most luxurious brands for less from discount retailers. And you probably won’t regret throwing in some new soft or crisp sheets.

3. Let There Be Light

This tip is a twofer because lighting fixtures and lamps are not only worthy accessories that transform a room, they also change the way light filters through your space. Even a small chandelier can make your bedroom feel immediately sumptuous. And an even easier choice is to add an inexpensive lamp to your bedside.

But, wait. We are just getting started. Here are 4 more ideas:

4. Update Your Hardware

With the simple turn of a screwdriver and a few dollars, you can level up your bedroom furniture by switching out hardware, such as old knobs, drawer pulls, and outlet cover plates.

5. Grow Some Easy Greenery

A potted plant or two adds life, color, and texture to your bedroom, and it also helps purify the air.And you don’t need a green thumb to get the benefits of houseplants;just choose easy ones like a pothos or a snake plant.Or, go the no maintenance route and choose faux.

6. A Touch of Whimsy

Brighten up your bedroom decor all year round with string lights.Place them around your curtain rod, headboard, or create works of art with them. Additionally, surrounding your bed with tulle draped from a simple canopy frame can bring about an entirely different look.

7. Mess – Free Zone

Okay, this one is 100 % free.And it’s not an accessory or object, but it’s the most important step to take if you want a great looking room: Clear.The.Clutter. A junky, unkempt space will never look attractive— no matter how much you spend on your furnishings. Removing unused items, organizing what remains, and then dusting furniture is akin to polishing the jewel.


Raymond V. Monczka


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