Interior Painting Tips Garden City, Michigan
Your Garden City Painter
Here are 5 Simple Painting Tips to follow when preparing surfaces for painting:
1. All walls need sanding to create a smooth surface for new paint. Sanding the entire area to be painted results in a smooth surface for the new paint.
2. Patch holes with two coats on shrink-free drywall compound. Then sand these surfaces smooth and apply a coat of primer paint over these repaired surfaces. And to prevent patched areas from showing thru the new paint, apply a coat of paint to repaired areas prior to applying new paint to your walls.
3. Base board trim separation from walls is caused by shrinkage. Shrinkage pulls the wood from the walls and breaks the caulk. You can simply recaulk but this will only result in future base board separation from your walls. The cure is re-nailing loose base boards to the wall which will prevent future separation of your baseboards from walls.
4. This is an area where painters fail. If there are gaps at the mitered corners at the top of the door or window casing, most painters just apply caulk. Problem with this is the caulk will just dry-out and crack again. The solution is to re-nailing these corners from the side, then caulk and sand the mitered corners smooth. After you apply paint, no cracks will be seen!
5. Always apply more than one coat of paint. Once the first coat is dry, completely sand all your walls again, then apply a second coat of paint. The results will be perfectly pleasing!
Get started, Call Ray Monczka Today: (734) 330-5457